Map - Xırmandalı, Masally (Xırmandalı)

Xırmandalı (Xırmandalı)
Xırmandalı (also, Kharmandali, Kharmandaly, and Khyrmandaly) is a village and municipality in the Masally Rayon of Azerbaijan. It has a population of 3,745.

Khirmandaly is a populated place in the region of Masally, the country of Azerbaijan with an average elevation of -5 meter below sea level. The area is mildly densely populated with 221 people per km2. The nearest town larger than 50,000 inhabitants takes about 1:02 hour by local transportation.

Khirmandaly is in a very strong (vii) earthquake zone, with occurrences of earthquakes at 6-7 Richter. When a strong earthquake occurs, it will be difficult to stand and noticed by people driving motor cars. Furniture and glass will be broken. The damage will be negligible in buildings of good design and construction but considerable damage may be inflicted on poorly built or badly designed structures. There is a medium-high occurrence of periods with extreme drought. Flooding risk is low.

August is warmest with an average temperature of 30.9 °C at noon. January is coldest with an average temperature of 0 °C at night. Khirmandaly has distinct cold and warm seasons, like cold winters and warm summers. The temperatures at night are cooler than during daytime.

Winter has prolonged freezing periods, with the coldest month most often being January. July is on average the month with most sunshine. Rainfall and other precipitation has no distinct peak month. Usually a clear night sky is not polluted by light from unnatural sources, it makes looking at stars easy at night.

Map - Xırmandalı (Xırmandalı)
Country - Azerbaijan
Flag of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan (, ; Azərbaycan ), officially the Republic of Azerbaijan, is a transcontinental country located at the boundary of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. It is a part of the South Caucasus region and is bounded by the Caspian Sea to the east, Russia (Republic of Dagestan) to the north, Georgia to the northwest, Armenia and Turkey to the west, and Iran to the south. Baku is the capital and largest city.

The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic proclaimed its independence from the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic in 1918 and became the first secular democratic Muslim-majority state. In 1920, the country was incorporated into the Soviet Union as the Azerbaijan SSR. The modern Republic of Azerbaijan proclaimed its independence on 30 August 1991, shortly before the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the same year. In September 1991, the ethnic Armenian majority of the Nagorno-Karabakh region formed the self-proclaimed Republic of Artsakh. The region and seven surrounding districts are internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan pending a solution to the status of the Nagorno-Karabakh through negotiations facilitated by the OSCE, although became de facto independent with the end of the First Nagorno-Karabakh War in 1994. Following the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War in 2020, the seven districts and parts of Nagorno-Karabakh were returned to Azerbaijani control.
Currency / Language  
ISO Currency Symbol Significant figures
AZN Azerbaijani manat ₼ 2
Neighbourhood - Country  
  •  Armenia 
  •  Georgia 
  •  Iran 
  •  Turkey 
  •  Russia